Gina Molinari yoga, wellness, travel and coaching
For the first time since my Confirmation, when I asked the priest if he really believed in God, I went to church. This summer, I had a calling to understand this God thing, a tearful yearning to feel the connection, and was answered with an invitation. While I still haven’t accepted a Judeo-Christian faith, my travels, close friends, and studies of yoga and Hinduism have brought me closer to religion than I’ve ever been.
Sex is a wonderful earthly pleasure, as long as God is in it. So what is God? What if I don’t believe in "God"? Well, if I say God is Love, does that help? Sure, but what is Love? God In my view, God is a completely interchangeable word for what I call Oneness, the Universe, Divinity. It is the Great Consciousness that IS. It resides within us and connects us all, eliminating any separation our earthly bodies lend us to. God is the big picture that we have ultimate trust in, the reason we have faith in what we cannot prove. The energy of Grace that guides us through life without grasping for every answer and explanation. It is hope and the foundation and home for our beliefs. The warm hug during struggle or suffering, but also the celebration of joy. God is persistent but patient, forgiving and certain. This is the light at the end of the tunnel, the path along the way, and the Source all at once. Love Love is our Oneness, and acknowledgement of our connection, and lack of separateness. It is the innate consciousness that witnesses and experiences the Other as part of the Self. The part that sees you as no different than me. Love is the big picture outside of this collection of moment. A source of trust, faith, and Grace. It is forgiveness, acceptance, and patience with stern compassion. It is flexible but absolute and unconditional. At the core, it is a truth we fully believe in as all powerful even without proof. It feels like a warm hug, firm foundation, and Home. Love is the light we seek and follow, the path to get there and the Source all at once. God is Love is God is Love. Inseparable. Sex So, if we can successfully practice sex with God/Love in it, can we agree that sex - practicing Love - is an act of worship towards the Divine? Because the Divine/Oneness/God exists in and connects all things. It is bringing Love to the surface, to a place where we can touch and interact with God. Sex is the act of worshipping that divinity in such a fullness of body, mind, and spirit that there is no separation of Self from the Divine. I honor this in you, and acknowledge the same in me. In feeding and nourishing my joy and pleasure, I share and celebrate God/Love. Cyclically. Reciprocally. Sex is our shared understanding of and celebration of our connection in this human form, a chance to touch God through diving into our humanly divine avatar of that bliss and perfection we call God, as though it were ever outside of us. But Sex must be approached as we approach God or Love – without grasping, with trust, belief, Grace, forgiveness, gentleness, and utmost respect. Arriving fully present and knowing that every moment that ever was, is, and will be is inside this single act of worship we call sex. Let it not be a destination, but a journey through the Source back to ourselves. Take the pressure off the sacred. Allow it to be light, giving, a strong foundation, a trustworthy support, and celebration of our ability to celebrate. Let sex be making Love, touching God, and coming home to our divine selves.
GinaRamblings, insights, & motivation Archives
December 2019